Thursday 11 July 2013

Review of #41 Reprobate - A Katla Novel (Amsterdam Assassin Series, #1) by Martyn V.Halm

If you like a kick-ass heroine, multi-talented and a non-judgmental main character, Reprobate is the book for you.

Reprobate has a great start, it'll hook and drag you into the story whether you want it or not.

Katla is an assassin and she is a damn awesome one at that. In fact, she's like the Assassin Creed guy + The HitMan guy all in one.

I love how Martyn introduces the character in the story. Not only that, each and every character has a certain quality about them that I can't get enough.
It is represented through different points of views at different times and it all merges in the end with the  crossing of paths with one another.
It is also something like the 'Vantage Point'.

This is also my first time in reading a novel of such storyline. Reprobate is unique and each character compliments one another.

I just want to gush at Katla's abilities. She's just so awesome!
The whole storyline has that quality of a TV Series but if you think that's boring...well, it's your loss. :D
I love all the parts where there's action, shooting and killing in it. I love how each and every detail of the kill is being described. It made me feel like I'm actually learning something valuable in the book, not that I WANT to kill someone. It's just knowledge to me.

I believe this book is awesome enough to be in my favourite books list.




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